How to Prepare for the Meeting and Hosting it in a Safe Way

A fantastic encounter begins before it even begins. Sound contradictory to you? Perhaps, but the reality is that the better you prepare for a meeting, the more successful the encounter will be. And it is better to use board portals for this. The main features of them is described on the site

Additionally, it involves more than just creating your slides and talking points.

Giving your meeting a clear format, preparing the rest of the team, and seeing that all the targeted results are achieved are all important.


Specify Your Objectives

Define the goal of the meeting, or the “Why” behind it, first. Why are you all here? Is it to think of ideas? Is it to have a conversation or to make plans for the future? It will be lot simpler for you to create an agenda for your meeting if you have one specific goal in mind.

Second, state the meeting’s principal objective, or the “What.” What should be the meeting’s conclusion? What is the major output? Decide on a clear meeting outcome and follow it through. Never leave a meeting without making a choice if it has to do with X.

You can use these as benchmarks to create reasonable goals and direct the meeting in the proper direction.

Make and Distribute a Schedule

It’s time to make a bulletproof agenda now that your meeting objectives and goals have been established.

An agenda for a meeting is a list of all the tasks and topics that will be discussed within in order to accomplish the meeting’s objective(s). In other words, a format that your meeting will adhere to.

Issue Invitations to Meetings

To give your coworkers enough time to fit the meeting into their schedules, send meeting invites to everyone involved at least two weeks in advance.

Include all pertinent information in the meeting invite description. Share the agenda and the meeting’s objectives (regardless of whether you already shared it or plan to share it later – make it available in the invite as well).

Include a link to the video conference call if your meeting is taking place online or using a hybrid format so that everyone can quickly access it through their calendars and ensure that no one misses it.

Gather Suggestions and Questions from Your Group

With some meeting styles, getting feedback from the team members before the meeting works brilliantly.

Distribute Supplementary Information

If there is information you need the meeting attendees to study in advance or something your staff needs to prepare, let them know well in advance. You may share it via your internal communications channel or include it as an attachment to your meeting invitation, for example.

It helps everyone align and become familiar with the next conversation.

Create Chances for Conversation

Create a variety of “interaction moments” when planning a meeting. These are places on the agenda when you intentionally leave time for attendees to actively participate.

In order to maintain meaningful participation throughout your meeting, this is crucial. Participants will soon become disinterested if you allow them to observe the meeting in silence.

On the other side, you will engage them if you offer them room to participate fully in the meeting.

Ready the Entrance

Leave nothing to chance and be sure you thoroughly prepare your opening because it could set the tone for the rest of the meeting.

To make everyone feel included right away, extend a special welcome to remote attendees if your meeting does.

Organize the Meeting

Last but not least, whether you’re meeting virtually or in person, make sure you have the meeting room setup figured out.